RaDoTech is FDA Registered Multifunctional Essential Health Tracker with Wellness Ecosystem.
Enhance your health based onyour body feedback.
If needed - get online consultations with our experts.

RaDoTech offers wellness tracking of your 12 main vital organs giving you targeted solutions for your top problem area, leveraging your body's natural interconnectedness for broader and lasting improvements.

RaDoTech is FDA Registered Multifunctional
Essential Health Tracker with Wellness Ecosystem.
Enhance your health based on
your body feedback.
 If needed - get online consultations with our experts.

RaDoTech Is A True "Holistic" Wellness Tracker

HO•LIS•TIC / hōˈlistik / Adj.

Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.

RaDoTech offers wellness tracking of your 12 main vital organs giving you targeted solutions for your top problem area, leveraging your body's natural interconnectedness for broader and lasting improvements.


Holistic Wellness driven by data

RaDoTech uses widely recognized Japanese Ryodoraku technology to measure the performance and functional health of your body through the electrical currents it produces. Allowing you to get a fast, and accurate snapshot of how every important part of your body is performing and giving you tailored suggestions on how to optimize that performance.


RaDoTech scans your main RMPs (representative meridian points), whichare connected to your vital organs. This process is easy and fast, completedin under three minutes, it gives you a full profile of how well your body isoperating beneath the surface.


Check Your Results

After your scan, all of your results will be displayed on our easy to use app. These results will provide you with color coded, detailed insights on how each organ functions and what may be affecting overall performance of your wellness.


Track Your Wellness Trends Over Time

Prolonged monitoring of your functional health will help the you and the app build up a more accurate picture of your health statistics and system performance over time. You can even compare your results before and after engaging in different sports and activities, or taking certain supplements and vitamins etc. allowing you to track your body’s reactions and adapt your approach accordingly.


Make Meaningful Changes

With RaDoTech you can see the connection between your health and the adjustments you make in real time. The information collected on the appcombined with RaDoTech’s data driven recommendations allow you to make rapid adjustments in both lifestyle and supplementation to put you back in control of your body’s functional performance. 


Support Your Health with RaDoTech's Highly Specialized, All-Natural Supplements.

RaDoTech supplements are designed with the goal of addressing the root cause of each issue, one at a time, as effectively as possible. 


The RaDoTech Advantage


Every component in our supplements are broken down into their most bio-available form, some in powder and some in extracts. The recipe for each supplement has also been selected so that each ingredient enhances and supports each other delivering the best possible result.

Highly specialized

RaDoTech supplements are designed to be highly specialized. Each formula is created specifically for its own task, with the goal of addressing and helping to solve the root cause of each issue, one at a time, as effectively as possible.


Every component in our supplements are broken down into their most bio-available form, some in powder and some in extracts. The recipe for each supplement has also been selected so that each ingredient enhances and supports each other delivering the best possible result.


All RaDoTech Supplements are FDA approved and must undergo a stringent testing process that exceeds the testing requirements to GMP quality standards, to provide you with the best quality supplements.

The RaDoTech Advantage


Every component in our supplements are broken down into their most bio-available form, some in powder and some in extracts. The recipe for each supplement has also been selected so that each ingredient enhances and supports each other delivering the best possible result.


RaDoTech supplements are designed to be highly specialized. Each formula is created specifically for its own task, with the goal ofaddressing and solving the root cause of each health issue one ata time as effectively as possible.


Each and every supplement is created with 100% natural, organic ingredients sourced only from ecologically clean regions, and manufactured with most comprehensive quality control possible.

Exceeding GMP quality Standards

All RaDoTech Supplements are FDA approved and must undergo a stringent testing process that exceeds the testing requirements to GMP quality standards, to provide you with the best quality supplements.

The Groundbreaking 
RaDoTech Health Tracker

Holistic wellness in the palm of your hand

HO•LIS•TIC / hōˈlistik / Adj.

Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.

RaDoTech offers holistic tracking of your 12 main vital organs giving you targeted solutions for your top problem area, leveraging your body's natural interconnectedness for broader and lasting health improvements.


I use The RaDoTech Pro in my practice and as a teacher.

Patients love the color-coded display of the organ systems and meridians chart that show the priority to treat and is simple to understand. Being able to see in real time the balance of the meridian system really makes patients compliant and motivated to follow the recommended course of treatment. At the same time, with further readings you can monitor the progress and effectiveness of your treatment. I highly recommend the RaDoTech device.

- Dr. Camilo M.

Shop The Device

The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker

The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker


RaDoTech is a fast and safe FDA registered multifunctional health tracker that measures cell conductivity of 12 vital organs using safe electric currents. In as little as 2 minutes, you will have a snapshot of how optimal your internal health is. It provides a comprehensive view of internal health and performance, that complements data from other wearable trackers. The data gathered by RaDoTech produces accurate measurements and personalized suggestions on pinpointing the areas where you should focus on for the biggest improvements to your health.

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A More detailed way to monitor your health*


Your functional health hub

The RaDoTech App is your window into your body’s functional health. From the results of your most recent scans, detailed information regarding optimal organ function, suggestions on how to optimize your performance and more the RaDoTech App is your home base for improving your functional health


Instantly see main functional stats in an easy to understand, visual format, that’s color coded to show over/under/and ideal performance.


This section displays your main functional health indicators: overall energy (charge) level, Immune system, Metabolism, your Psycho-Emotional state and Musculo-skeletal system along with personalized tips on how you can optimize these.


After compiling the data from all of your readings RaDoTech will give you personalized suggestions on how best to resolve some of the more problematic readings to get areas that are underperforming back to their optimal levels.


This section allows you to manually input external wellness inputs from other devices or tools you use to add even more depth to your data.


A More detailed way to monitor your health*

Fast and non-invasive

Tracking your bodies functional health with RaDoTech takes less than 3 minutes and doesn’t require invasive blood work, medication, CAT scans. You don’t even need to leave your home to collect data on your main organ functions.

Bring Your Health Into FocuS

RaDoTech takes readings of the electrical output from 24 key points around your body. These readings help build an accurate snapshot of how each system is performing.

Unmatched depth of data

The Data gathered provides important information on how well your vital organs are functioning. By taking readings at different times RaDoTech can help you see how each organ responds to stress put on your system through training, working, or after rest.

Live Better, Feel Better

You will have deeper insights into what may be affecting your body’s performance and the RaDoTech app will provide useful suggestions on how to improve areas of your health that may need your attention and are underperforming.

Professional consultation

After getting familiar with your device and data, you can get extra help understanding your results, along with a more in-depth analysis of your functional health with professional advice with a paid consultation from on of our trained specialists.

The RaDoTech PRO
The RaDoTech PRO
The RaDoTech PRO
The RaDoTech PRO

The RaDoTech PRO


The RaDoTech PRO is the first FDA registered device that makes it possible to test the functional health and organs state of the human body with high proven accuracy.
With the RaDoTech PRO, you can now determine the functional health of a patients organs and bodily systems within minutes and get a clearer picture of what areas need attention and support.

What Do RaDoTech Users Have To say

When I first started using RaDoTech, it showed quite a few red flags in my body.
So immediately, I was skeptical about its validity. But just to be safe... I went to the doctor to get bloodwork done, and we found out my thyroid wasn't operating properly.

 It turns out RaDoTech was highlighting real underlying issues that were brewing.

- Katie MacIntyre

This is one exquisite Device!

Everyday or once a week I check my indicators. I have the ability to monitor my health and preventively react if something is wrong. Keeping an eye on my energy levels.

All this gives me peace of mind that I take good care of my health

- Joeseph Batist

I am so fortunate to be able to get RadoTech.

It is helping me monitor my health, showing what insight organs need more attention. It also has health recommendations that are available after the scan is done. The best part is that I see improvements in my health, performance and energy levels thanks to following the recommendations.

- Maria Gonzalez

Creating an ecosystem of holistic wellness

RaDoTech offers a full range of all natural, holistic multicomponent supplements, designed to improve your performance and daily wellness regimen, helping every part of your body reach its best possible performance.


The RaDoTech Supplements Range

Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost
Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost
Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost
Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost
Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost
Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost
Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost
Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost

Ginkgo Biloba - Brain Function, Memory & Concentration Boost

Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery
Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery
Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery
Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery
Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery
Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery
Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery
Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery

Hepa Gugull - Support For Liver Function & Recovery

RenActive - Kidney Health Support
RenActive - Kidney Health Support
RenActive - Kidney Health Support
RenActive - Kidney Health Support
RenActive - Kidney Health Support
RenActive - Kidney Health Support
RenActive - Kidney Health Support
RenActive - Kidney Health Support

RenActive - Kidney Health Support

EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation
EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation
EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation
EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation
EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation
EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation
EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation
EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation

EnergyTune - Improves Metabolic Activation

RenoSan - Immune System Support
RenoSan - Immune System Support
RenoSan - Immune System Support
RenoSan - Immune System Support
RenoSan - Immune System Support
RenoSan - Immune System Support
RenoSan - Immune System Support
RenoSan - Immune System Support

RenoSan - Immune System Support

ImmunoTune - Immune System Support
ImmunoTune - Immune System Support
ImmunoTune - Immune System Support
ImmunoTune - Immune System Support
ImmunoTune - Immune System Support
ImmunoTune - Immune System Support
ImmunoTune - Immune System Support
ImmunoTune - Immune System Support

ImmunoTune - Immune System Support

Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support
Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support
Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support
Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support
Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support
Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support
Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support
Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support

Propolis - Upper Respiratory System Support

IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support
IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support
IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support
IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support
IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support
IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support
IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support
IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support

IntestiSan - Intestinal Health & Infection Support

Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support
Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support
Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support
Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support
Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support
Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support
Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support
Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support

Wild Yam - Hormonal Balance & Women's Health Support

PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization
PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization
PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization
PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization
PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization
PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization
PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization
PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization

PancreNorm - Blood Sugar Normalization

Digest Active - Digestive System Support
Digest Active - Digestive System Support
Digest Active - Digestive System Support
Digest Active - Digestive System Support
Digest Active - Digestive System Support
Digest Active - Digestive System Support
Digest Active - Digestive System Support
Digest Active - Digestive System Support

Digest Active - Digestive System Support

CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process
CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process
CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process
CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process
CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process
CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process
CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process
CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process

CalmBelly - Optimize Your Digestive Process

RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules
RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules

RaDoTech - Edema Relief Water Pills, Natural Diuretics for Water Retention, Foot Swelling Relief, Supports Kidney Cleanse, Reduces Swelling in Ankles, Hands, Arms, 60 Veg Capsules

Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief
Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief
Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief
Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief
Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief
Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief
Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief
Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief

Migrenol Hypo - Hypotension Relief

Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief
Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief
Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief
Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief
Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief
Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief
Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief
Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief

Antimegrin Hyper - Hypertension Relief

NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity
NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity
NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity
NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity
NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity
NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity
NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity
NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity

NeuroBooster - Improve Memory and Clarity

CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support
CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support

CardioTune - Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Support

VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling
VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling

VeinoTune - Helps Varicose Veins and Swelling






Holistic Wellness driven by data

RaDoTech uses widely recognized Japanese Ryodoraku technology to measure the performance and functional health of your body through the electrical currents it produces. Allowing you to get a fast, and accurate snapshot of how every important part of your body is performing and giving you tailored suggestions on how to optimize that performance.


RaDoTech scans your main RMPs (representative meridian points), whichare connected to your vital organs. This process is easy and fast, completedin under three minutes, it gives you a full profile of how well your body isoperating beneath the surface.


Check Your Results

After your scan, all of your results will be displayed on our easy to use app. These results will provide you with color coded, detailed insights on how each organ functions and what may be affecting overall performance of your wellness.


Track Your Wellness Trends Over Time

Prolonged monitoring of your functional health will help the you and the app build up a more accurate picture of your health statistics and system performance over time. You can even compare your results before and after engaging in different sports and activities, or taking certain supplements and vitamins etc. allowing you to track your body’s reactions and adapt your approach accordingly.


Make Meaningful Changes

With RaDoTech you can see the connection between your health and the adjustments you make in real time. The information collected on the appcombined with RaDoTech’s data driven recommendations allow you to make rapid adjustments in both lifestyle and supplementation to put you back in control of your body’s functional performance. 


Your functional health hub

The RaDoTech App is your window into your body’s functional health. From the results of your most recent scans, detailed information regarding optimal organ function, suggestions on how to optimize your performance and more the RaDoTech App is your home base for improving your functional health


Instantly see main functional stats in an easy to understand, visual format, that’s color coded to show over/under/and ideal performance.


This section displays your main functional health indicators: overall energy (charge) level, Immune system, Metabolism, your Psycho-Emotional state and Musculo-skeletal system along with personalized tips on how you can optimize these.


After compiling the data from all of your readings RaDoTech will give you personalized suggestions on how best to resolve some of the more problematic readings to get areas that are underperforming back to their optimal levels.


This section allows you to manually input external wellness inputs from other devices or tools you use to add even more depth to your data.


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