A health tracking ecosystem designed to give YOU the power to make positive changes To your daily wellness routine.


Unlock Better Functional Health And Wellness

A health tracking ecosystem designed to give YOU the power to make positive changes To your daily wellness routine.


The RaDoTech

RaDoTech works by gathering information over multiple scans to generate a much more accurate picture of your functional health trends over time.

The more test that are run the more accurate your readings will become, setting aside ‘one-offs’ and ‘anomalies’ inherent inIndividual scans and allowing our sophisticated algorithm tofocus on the points of greatest concern. Giving You the power and information necessary to make meaningful changes to your functional health.

The RaDoTech Methodology

RaDoTech works by gathering information over multiple scans to generate a much more accurate picture of your functional health trends over time.

The more test that are run the more accurate your readings will become, setting aside ‘one-offs’ and ‘anomalies’ inherent inIndividual scans and allowing our sophisticated algorithm tofocus on the points of greatest concern. Giving You the power and information necessary to make meaningful changes to your functional health.

A window into your system’s performance

Body Map

Instantly see main stats in an easy to understand, visual format, green for normal, red for over performing, and most importantly, blue for underperforming.


A visual graph that shows you a much more detailed breakdown of each organ’s performance metrics. Displayed as a % reading for both left and right sides this graph also provides a “normal” performance window so that you can easily see where each reading scores.

Circle Chart

Instant snapshot of “all in one” reading with cross comparison for all organs performance results. Useful for professionals and experienced RaDoTech users.

A window into your system’s performance

Key Wellness indicators

Functional health indicators

Based on the science behind Ryodoraku, this section displays your main functional health indicators: overall energy (charge) level, Immune system, Metabolism, your Psycho-Emotional state and Musculo-skeletal system.

Personalized Tips

Each result is connected to your most recent body scan. As your results change after each test so do the provided tips and insights highlighting the performance of your key wellness indicators.

Professional practitioner Data

Intended for those with experience in the clinical practice of TCM and Ryodoraku.This section displays all relevant data for professional practitioners to build an even more detailed view of your functional health, allowing them to create more effective plan of attack.

Key Wellness indicators

Find And Fortify
Your Weakest link


After compiling the data from your scan, RaDoTech will single out the points of greatest concern. By singling out the area of greatest imbalance we can provide recommendations on how to optimize it as we have found that by resolving these issues, the other areas of concern will often normalized without the need of any other changes to lifestyle of supplementation.

Useful Recommendations

In addition to the overview RaDoTech will give you personalized suggestions on how best to resolve some of the more problematic readings to get areas that are underperforming back to their optimal levels.

These holistic recommendations can range from diet and exercise to supplements and rest. With any health problems you should contact your doctor. RaDoTech is not a medical device.*

* RaDoTech is not a medical device, use it for observing purposes only and is not meant to supersede any medical advice from your medical practitioner. The RaDoTech Device does not treat or cure any symptoms you may be experiencing please see doctor for any concerns of conditions you may be experiencing.

Find And Fortify
Your Weakest link

* RaDoTech is not a medical device, use it for observing purposes only and is not meant to supersede any medical advice from your medical practitioner. The RaDoTech Device does not treat or cure any symptoms you may be experiencing please see doctor for any concerns of conditions you may be experiencing.

Understanding The State Of Your Body

On the RaDoTech app each vital function of your body is measured to see what kind of state it is in. These states tell us a lot about how that organ is functioning and how it is affecting other aspects of your functional health. The three primary states that you will see are Insufficient, Normal, and Hyperactive.


This organ is working harder than it should, usually this means it is compensating for one or more underperforming organs.


This organ is performing well and has sufficient resources, all of its functions are optimal.


This organ is underperforming and usually means it isn't getting enough resources. If these readings are constantly low or even getting lower over the time - you should seek professional medical attention. 

Understanding The State Of Your Body

On the RaDoTech app each vital function of your body is measured to see what kind of state it is in. These states tell us a lot about how that organ is functioning and how it is affecting other aspects of your functional health. The three primary states that you will see are Insufficient, Normal, and Hyperactive.


This organ is working harder than it should, usually this means it is compensating for one or more underperforming organs.


This organ is performing well and has sufficient resources, all of its functions are optimal.


This organ is underperforming and usually means it isn't getting enough resources. If these readings are constantly low or even getting lower over the time - you should seek professional medical attention. 

Stay On Top Of Your Functional Health

Consistent monitoring allows RaDoTech to provide you with accurate data trends which are much more important and informative when considering possible proactive and reactive solutions to optimize your wellness and functional health today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter.

Resulting in - more energy, improved productivity, better mood, happier living, and a healthier and more well balanced lifestyle. 

Creating An Ecosystem Of Holistic Wellness

RaDoTech offers a full range of all natural, holistic multicomponent supplements, designed to be used independently or in conjunction with the RaDoTech Holistic Health Tracker to improve your performance and daily wellness regimen, helping every part of your body reach its best possible performance.

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The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker
The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker

The RaDoTech - Holistic Health Tracker


RaDoTech is a fast and safe FDA registered multifunctional health tracker that measures cell conductivity of 12 vital organs using safe electric currents. In as little as 2 minutes, you will have a snapshot of how optimal your internal health is. It provides a comprehensive view of internal health and performance, that complements data from other wearable trackers. The data gathered by RaDoTech produces accurate measurements and personalized suggestions on pinpointing the areas where you should focus on for the biggest improvements to your health.

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